
Highlight: Lowest Cost Reason

Highlight: Lowest Cost Reason

Thanks to customer feedback, we have implemented a new tool to help manage and analyze your freight. When enabled, this new toggle will create an » read more…

Automated Invoice Matching

Automated Invoice Matching

This automation tool can automatically audit your carrier and broker invoices, adding efficiency to your bill payment process, and thus giving you more » read more…

Know Your Settings Page

Know Your Settings Page

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Edit Bill-To Address for LTL

Our users asked for a more flexible way to toggle the Bill To address on an LTL shipment, so we added a cool option to your settings to allow for this. » read more…

In Process Page

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How to Get Your Freightview API Key

When your team is ready to start working with our Freightview API, you'll need to retrieve the API key for your account. » read more…

Address Lookup

A great tool to keep you shipping smarter inside of Freightview is Address Lookup, available for all modes! » read more…

Product Catalog Settings

Read all about how managing these settings will help your team save time and improve accuracy with your quotes. » read more…

Customer Branding

Customer Branding

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Utilize & Manage Tags

Utilize & Manage Tags

Freightview gives you the ability to add Tags to your booked shipments. A tag is a label that can be applied to identify shipments or trends. » read more…

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Supply Chain Brief