Webinar: New Releases 2024

Webinar: New Releases 2024

In August we held a webinar with our current customer base to recap the top feature releases in 2024. » read more…

Saved Views & Scheduled Reports

Filter your freight and request scheduled reports via your Shipments Tab. This article covers how to use custom filters to create Saved Views, which can » read more…

How To Add & Edit Spot Volume / TL Carriers

How To Add & Edit Spot Volume / TL Carriers

Similar to adding your LTL API Carriers, full-access users start by clicking your name in the top right-hand corner, aka your Account Settings, and then » read more…

LTL Flat File Upload

LTL Flat File Upload

We are excited to announce our latest feature: LTL Flat File Upload. Save even more time with Freightview by allowing us to process multiple LTL quotes by » read more…

User Reporting - Analytics

User Reporting - Analytics

Our latest enhancement offers customized reporting of your team’s activity. » read more…

Highlight: Lowest Cost Reason

Highlight: Lowest Cost Reason

Thanks to customer feedback, we have implemented a new tool to help manage and analyze your freight. When enabled, this new toggle will create an » read more…

FV Carrier: Uploading Invoices

FV Carrier: Uploading Invoices

Our carrier dashboard allows providers to upload invoices, which can be viewed and reconciled within the Freightview shipper app. » read more…

Automated Invoice Matching

Automated Invoice Matching

This automation tool can automatically audit your carrier and broker invoices, adding efficiency to your bill payment process, and thus giving you more » read more…

Know Your Settings Page

Know Your Settings Page

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Auditing Invoices

Auditing Invoices

Freightview allows you to complete your shipments' lifecycle with tools to help with Invoicing, Discrepancies, and Data tracking/exports. » read more…

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Supply Chain Brief