Your Shipment List

Any booked shipments across all modes live within your Shipments Tab.  It's here you'll find a variety of filter and search options to utilize, along with the ability to archive and export as needed.

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Shipment Filters

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Along the left column are your filter options.  The default choices are listed by Active Status, All, and Archived loads.  Click Create a custom filter at the bottom to see more options.  Once you select as many options as you need, you can click to Filter your list, or Filter & Save the algorithm for future use.  These Saved Views are then added to your options to be accessed in future sessions.

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Scheduled Reports

This feature automatically sends a CSV file of shipment data to any inbox, during a time frame & frequency of your choosing.  Select which Saved View you want a report on, then click the clock icon to open the Scheduled Report slider.


A menu appears with the following options:

  • How often do you want to receive the report?
  • Which email recipients should we include?
  • Should we send a Basic or Advanced version of the report?

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Hit √ Save scheduled reports and you are finished

Export Options

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Whether you have selected a filter or entered a search query, users can click to have their data exported at any time, these are then sent directly to your Inbox in the form of a CSV.  There are two options to choose from: Basic and Advanced.  The basic export offers 69 columns of data while the advanced export offers 4 additional tabs that include Route stops, Items, Quotes, and Charges for linehaul and/or fuel.

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Slider, More Details

Click on any shipment tile to open the slider on the right-hand side that offers more details and editing options; depending on the mode, those options will vary.  

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Select the 'More detail/options' link to go straight to your Shipment Details page which includes all of these functionalities and more.  

Condensed View

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Your default view will display all of your booked shipments listed in tiles by Pickup date, but for a more scaled view, you can change the layout by selecting Condensed view; this setting is great for accounts with a larger volume.  From here just click any shipment line to get access to the Documents, Tracking, Messages, and Labels, followed by the three dots that is a link to the More Details page.

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Bulk Archive

The Condensed view also brought along the ability to bulk archive your shipments.  You can start by running a search/selecting a filter, click as you go through your list, or Select all loads by clicking the check marks next to BOL #.  You can uncheck them in bulk as well by clicking the black line --.

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