Having all your rates in one place is our goal, take a look at how you can make sure you're seeing all your options for those carriers you're connected to via API.
Your shipments may need an added service, whether it's an Expedited run, Volume discount, or if it falls under a Dynamic/Pallet pricing program.
From your Rates page, when applicable, you'll see an ORANGE arrow just left of the estimated transit time. Click to expand the service level options:
Additional options include sorting by Fastest Transit, Expanding all Rates, Printing Rates, + Adding a Rate, and direct Terminal Information (Located inside the Rate Breakdown)
Explore all your rates and know you’re making the best choice for your bottom line and your customer every single time.
Do you have all your rate options at your fingertips?
Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Freightview, or Contact Us.